Friday, March 30, 2007

Equable thoughts

All of us, every single one of us is striving hard for something. Be it love or happiness, belongingness or stability or for the more materialistic, money or job or a fancy car and the list has no bounds. I am not being judgemental about people who are materialistic. All of are! Anyways, some get what they are looking for, some get what they are not looking for but what others would die to have, and the rest who are a little more unforunate, get nothing, or worse still, get something that makes them want more...
What determines who gets what? Why this disparity? A friend of mine attributed it to destiny.......another to karma and our actions in the past life... What I fail to understand is why don't our actions in this life determine what rewards we get in this life. Why didn't God make this equation simple? Why cannot it be

Preparedness+Hardwork+Eagerness+Good Actions-Bad Actions=REWARDS in present life

instead of

let n be current life...

(Preparedness+Hardwork+Eagerness)+ .699 cups of Star Alignment+3/7 scoop of Destiny+A Teaspoon of luck+7/8 cup of Right timing+2 2/3 cup of karma....+0.99 cups of (Good Actions - Bad Actions) from (n-1) life+0.98 cups of (Good Actions - Bad Actions) from (n-1) life.........0.10 cups of (Good Actions - Bad Actions) from nth life =REWARDS/ PUNISHMENT


Some argue saying everyone would get what they want if the equation was that simple. But my argument is God has made man so complex that even simple equations may not be understood. Maybe another component such as Focus would add more variability to the equatin since there are a hundreds of distractions available for a man to indulge in deep enough to forget what he is actually working towards. So there you go!

The balance between Happy people and Sad people is maintained too.What I like best about what I propose is that each one owns up to his or her actions. Every one governs the direction of his/her own life. No one else to be blamed. It infact imbibes a sense of responsibility in an individual. Isnt it all good?